Three Amazing Supplements for Women's health

Have you ever wondered if you are really doing all the right things for a healthy lifestyle? You don’t smoke, watch your alcohol and calorie intake, you exercise regularly and eat clean. Yet, there still feels like something is missing. There is- supplements.

Three Amazing Supplements for Women's health

There are so many out there. Multivitamins, one-a-a day vitamins, natural and artificial vitamins. How do you know what to take? Supplements can be a difficult path to navigate. The best way to know what your body needs, and how much, is to consult with your primary care physician. Capsuline can help you choose the right size gelatin capsule, for the three supplements that every woman should have- calcium, vitamin D, and iron.

What makes these three supplements the holy grail for women?

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption. Though a lot people think that they can get this vitamin from the sun, the sun only helps synthesize vitamin D. That is, it helps your body to break it down. It is recommended to get between 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure a day.

Low levels of vitamin D have also been linked to a higher risk of heart attack, heart failure, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure. For women who are pregnant, low vitamin D levels can be linked to pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

The most you should consume of vitamin D is 4,000 international units (IU) a day. For women 14-70, it is recommended to consume 600 IU a day. For women 71+, you should try to consume 800 IU a day.

There are natural ways to maintain your vitamin D levels as well, such as, physical activity to help maintain your weight, getting a good amount of sunlight daily, and having a healthy diet. Including foods rich in vitamin D is beneficial to your intake. Try adding foods like fatty fish to your menu.


Calcium and vitamin D go hand in hand, as vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.

Calcium absorption plays a critical role in brain and reproductive health. Calcium keeps your bones in good working condition and supports the thyroid- responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle.

If you follow a vegan diet, have a high sodium or protein diet, have a health condition where you can’t absorb calcium properly, or have osteoporosis, you may want to consider encapsulating calcium and taking it as a supplement. Women 50 years and younger should get 1000-2000 mg/day of calcium. For women 50+, it is recommended to get 1200-2500 mg/day.

Empty capsules by Capsuline

Calcium supplements can have many other benefits, other than strengthening bones. It can help with fat loss, lower the risk of colon cancer, and improve metabolic markers.

You can also get a significant amount of calcium from your diet as well. Try adding calcium rich foods to your diet such as dairy products, leafy greens, nuts, beans, and tofu.


Low iron is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States. 10% of women are iron deficient according to the CDCP. An essential mineral, iron helps to transport oxygen through the body. Without enough iron, your body can’t provide the needed healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells. This is the condition known as anemia. Iron is also necessary for maintaining healthy cells, such as hair, nails and skin cells.

How much iron you need, is dependent on your age and overall health.  As women, we require more iron due to menstrual cycles. It is estimated that around 1 mg of iron is lost for every day of the cycle. Because of this, it is recommended that women ages 19-50 get at least 18 mg/day of iron. As women age and begin entering the menopausal stage, the amount of iron they need decreases. It is recommended that women ages 50 and up only need about 8 mg/day.

For vegans or vegetarians, iron supplements will be very beneficial for nutrition as their bodies do not absorb the same kind of iron found in plants as it absorbs the irons found in meats. You can also opt for adding high iron rich foods to your diet, such as fortified cereals, red meat, dried fruit, and beans. 

Before or while encapsulating these supplements, it is always a good idea to consult with your doctor. Be sure not to take more than the necessary amount of supplements your body needs a day, as there can be negative and harmful side effects.

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